Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29th

The Hw last night was the dissociations sheet.  The answers are on Moodle

Mrs. Friedmann gave a demonstration

-Water doesn't conduct electricity
-The ions in water do though,  Only if the break apart and become +s and -s
-Water with sugar does not because the sugar does not break apart 

Notes General Ideas:

-Solutions: Mixture of two or more solutions and they consist of a solute and a solvent 
               Solute is being dissolved
               Solvent is used to dissolve the solute
-The dissolving process of ionic and covalent compounds
-Conductivity Tests
-Weak vs. Strong
Look at power point on solutions on moodle for more information

HW for tonight:
Chem Think- Go to the option two=Labs=Chemical Reactions=Parcipitate lab and fill out ChemThink LabSim questions

Next Blogger: Kate Maki

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