Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18

First, we checked in the two Ideal Gas Law worksheets then, went over the answers.

Then, we took brief notes.

The Ideal Gas Law
*P is Pressure
*V is Volume in Liters
*n is number of moles (if given grams convert to moles)
*R is Proportionality Constant
*T is temperature always convert to Kelvins

The Combined Gas Law
P1 times V1 divided by n1 times T1 equals P2 times V2 divided by n2 times T2  (sorry I don't know how to type it in looking normal...)
*This is used for the behavior of a gas when conditions change
*think of this as a "Before and After" problem

After this Mrs. Friedmann showed us a few demos:

  • She demonstrated atmospheric pressure 
  • Pressure is caused by atoms crashing in to things and with enough atoms it exerts a force
  • In the demo with the flask full of water and a note card flipped upside down, the water did not spill out because of the atmospheric pressure on the note card was pushing the note card up on to the flask.
  • She demonstrated how temperature changes pressure and volume. 
    • The flask had boiling water in it and when the hard boiled egg was placed on the top of the flask it was being pushed off due to the high pressure coming out of the flask. 
    • Once Mrs. Friedmann placed the flask into the ice water, the hard boiled egg was sucked into the flask because the cold temperature made the volume of the water vapor decrease. 
  • Finally, she had Gemini get into a plastic garbage bag and she sucked the air out of it.  This demonstrated 14 psi on her. 
The homework is two pages of Gas Problems

Next Blogger... Francine!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking on the homework log on moodle and I believe she said that since 5th period did not get as far as we did, the two gas problems sheets are not due today for us either.
