What happened today?
There were three worksheets to pick up today, one titled Pressure and two titled Open and Closed Manometer Problems.
We checked in the Gas Problems worksheets that was last nights homework. Then went over them. The key should be posted on Moodle.
We got our Gas Variables packet back. The key for this is on Moodle as well.
Flexible Containers
ex: balloon
- pressure stays constant
- volume changes
Inflexible Containers

ex: metal tank
- volume stays constant
- pressure changes
as one goes up, the other goes up.
as one goes up , the other goes down
Mrs. Friedmann put a whopping 15 balloons in a pretty small container of liquid nitrogen!

They came out like the balloon on the left but soon enough returned back its normal shape on the right side. The temperature from the liquid nitrogen slowed the gas molecules on the inside down and because the balloon is a flexible the pressure stays the same but the volume changes!
Check your Gas Variables packet against key and make corrections in a different color.
Mrs. Friedmann WILL be checking!
Next scribe is BOBBY R.
How? SCIENCE!!!!