Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Class Blog 12-3-13

December 3, 2013

-First thing we did was we received a lesson about tests and lessons we should follow from Mrs. Friedmann.  
-Then we went over the test.
-We then began the new unit but did not get very far.

About the Test:
-The tests are much worse than what we are doing in class.
-We will have a new method of studying.

Future Lessons
-Advantages come with disadvantages, and disadvantages come with unexpected advantages. 
-Malcolm Gladwell
-Example: When people are more and more rich, the easier it is to parent and raise kids, however, it will begin to level off.  The richer it gets the harder it gets.  You can’t control them once they are powerful and independent.

-We are not using our given materials the way that it will help us.  You think you understand something just from understanding one problem and moving on.  You need to force yourself to understand it on your own.  Not just knowing the answer, you need to understand the answer and why you got the answer.  After understanding a problem, continue to work on similar problem until you understand it without using a key.

-Everything that comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Don't think you master something just because you get one right, consistency is key.

Future Tests

-We were given the review packet today and it will be due december 11th for credit.  There will be no video.  This way will force us to learn the material so we understand it not just a single problem.  Work on the review packet as we go through the unit bit by bit.

New unit: Atomic Theory and Periodicity
-The unit review packet is in moodle as well as the handouts.
-This unit is on the atom.
-It all starts with the greeks
-first to have the idea of the atom
-in 400 BC the Greeks broke down matter into earth, air, water, and fire
-This is all we completed in class today.

-Two webassigns due wednesday night at 11:59 PM.
-Go on moodle and look at the two powerpoints and takes notes for tomorrow, they will be checked in THURSDAY because of a sub tomorrow. These are in the handouts folder about the history.

-Work on your review packet every day bit by bit until the end of the unit, due december 11th.

Next blogger is Allie B.

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