Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 6th, 2013

At The Beginning of Class
Today we checked in the Lab and the notes of the two power points

Atomic Scientists - Quick Review (Quick and Dirty Review)
Notes will be posted in Unit 6 Handouts
- Was the first to synthesize lots of data on the atom
- Came up with ¨postulates¨ on the atom
- ¨Atomos¨
- Conservation of Mass, Definite proportions, multiple proportions
- Indivisible particle (depiction of Dalton's atom)
- Famous for using Cathode ray tube experiments
- Negatively charged particle that he was able to pull off the atom
- ¨Plum-Pudding¨
- Chocolate chip cookie model?
- Negative particles are the chocolate chips (Electrons)

- Very small, Very Dense, AND Positively Charged in the nucleus (came to this conclusion since the alpha particles are positively charged)
- Majority of the atom is empty. The Nucleus is VERY VERY VERY small…. BUT it is covered with electrons.
- Most of the mass is located in the nucleus.

- Mathematician
- Planetary Model
- Electrons in ¨orbits¨ around nucleus
- Not entirely accurate

- Elaboration of the Bohr Model
- Einstein: Special Theory of Relativity
- Light is made of particles (packets of energy called photons)  in it's wave.
- Mass (matter) and energy are 2 sides of the same coin. ---> This idea led to the atomic bomb

Continuous Spectrum (rainbow). R(ed) O(range) Y(ellow) G(reen) B(lue) I(ndigo) V(iolet)
(Dark Side of the Moon album cover)
- R =  Long wavelengths (gimma)
- V = Short wavelengths
- The ones with the shorter wavelengths bend more
- Light from one element, and you put it through a prism, ---> you get a line spectrum (so you get certain, very specific, wavelength of light) with only a few wavelengths. WHY???
- Ex: Hydrogen
- We put on 3D glasses and looked at the light. We saw a spectrum.
- Bohr did the math
- ¨Ground state¨ closest to the nucleus.
- ¨Excited state¨ jumps farther away from nucleus
- Falls back to ¨ground state¨ and the energy releases light spectrum.
1.) “Light and Energy” worksheet - Due Monday (find in handouts)
2.) TWO Webassigns Due Sunday Night (we will complete both by Sunday and on Monday we will submit it a second time)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dorothy, who's the next blogger? I can do it, since I haven't done in this quarter if u want me to.
