Monday, December 16, 2013

Class Blog of 12/16/13

Today we checked in:

  • Coulombic Attractions
  • Shells, subshells, and orbitals... Oh my!
  • WK in our lab notebook with the periodic table
The keys to the handouts are on Moodle already
CORRECTION: Periodic Table Worksheet
6k) The answer is [Kr] 5S2 4D9

We picked up the periodic trends worksheets which can be found in the handouts link under Unit 6.

Class Notes:
Periodic Trends:
Atomic Radius:
-How big is an atom?
-How many energy shells are filled?
-How many protons are in the nucleus?
Ex. H             the first shell                                                             He           the first shell
      Li             the second shell                                                        O            the second shell
      Na           the third shell                                                            

As you go down in the periodic table, atoms get bigger because electrons are going into bigger and bigger shells that take more space farther away from the nucleus

As you go across in the periodic table, from left to right, atoms get smaller because there are a greater amount of protons for each electron thereby increasing the pull between them. This attraction pulls the electrons closer to the nucleus, decreasing the size of the atom.

-Atomic radius increases going down and to the left in the periodic table.

The test will be 45 M/C with no short answers. 

The Unit Review Packet is due tomorrow!!!
The review session for this unit is WEDNESDAY at 7:00 A.M. 

Finish the Periodic Trends worksheets. Due tomorrow.

Tomorrow's blogger will be Frankie 

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