Friday, February 28, 2014

Class Blog 2/28/14

In Class

  • Went over #3 of Hess's Law worksheet. (Key is on moodle)
  • We had a pop partner take home quiz that we worked on for the rest of the class


1) Lab due Tuesday (March 4th)

  • Title
  • Purpose
  • Data
  • Questions/Calculations (write out the entire question)
  • Conclusion 
    • Claim
    • Evidence
    • Reasoning
2) Two webassigns due Tuesday night (one webassign covers new material, and the other is already learned material)

3) Test is Thursday (March 6th)! It's never too early to start studying :)

Have a fun Turnabout and three day weekend!!
Next Scribe is Bobby 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog 2/27/14

BLOG 2/27/14
Conrad Mordzinski

  1. BOBBY'S CHALLENGE:  For one point of extra credit, Bobby must make it through one period 5 chemistry class while abiding by the following rules...
    1. He must beat Brant to class.
    2. He can not be late to class.
    3. It must be a full 50 minute class, doing the challenge on a late arrival will result in disqualification.
    4. He can not ask about extra credit opportunities.
    5. He can not suggest extra credit assignments.
    6. He can not complain about the workload.
    7. This challenge is only valid for one day.
  3. We will go over the homework that was due today tomorrow.
  4. Do the Hess's Law Prelab, posted in the Unit 8 Labs folder.
  5. Do the lab. Lab data is posted in the Unit 8 labs folder.
  6. Homework for tonight is to check last nights homework on moodle and start the lab write up due Tuesday.
  7. And as always murica, have a great day. :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2/26/14 Period 4 Blog

Period 4 Blog 2/26/14

  • We started off class by Conrad and I giving the most wonderful rap this world has ever witnessed.
  • Next, we took notes on Hess's Law and had a debate on whether it was spelled Hess's Law or Hess' Law. (It's Hess's)
    • These notes can be found in the Notes folder!!
    • We learned that we now have 3 ways to find the delta H of a reaction.
      • These are: 
        • Using a calorimeter
        • Using the Heat of Formations (Pizza Formations)
        • Using Hess's Law(which we learned today)
  • That took up most of the class Period.
  • After the notes, we were given time to complete our worksheets on Hess's Law
    • The Three worksheets
      • Hess's Law -Practice
      • 2 worksheets on Hess's Law
      • These can be found in the handouts folder!!
    • One Webassign due tonight at 11:59
  • The Next Blogger is...... 
      • (drum rolllllllll)
    • KATE MAKI!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Class Blog 2/25/14

At the beginning of class we checked in our two homework worksheets and went over the last two problems from the homework in the packet. Then, we went over last nights homework.

Webassign due tomorrow night by 11:59 pm

We had a partner Quiz in class today so, we did not get as far as she had planned. For the partner Quiz there was a demo on combustion.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Class Blog 2-24-14

Today we went over the packet from Friday after getting it checked in. If you were not here on Friday, grab a packet and do it tonight. Check it in tomorrow.

We then took notes on our next lesson.
The notes were taken on one of our handouts. Here's what mine looks like:

-the two handouts (they should be available on moodle)

The next blogger is Caitlin.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Class Blog 2/21/14

We had a substitute today. We spent the entire period working on the Thermochemistry Packet. I would assume that the packet is available on Moodle.


Thermochemistry Packet (if it wasn't finished in class) due Monday.

The last two WebAssigns were reopened on Moodle as well. Do them before 11:59 on Sunday.

The next blogger is Francine Y.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Class Blog 2/20/14

We will have substitute tomorrow, and we will pause in lessons and we will review all the stuff we have learned so far with the Packet made by Mrs. Friedmann. 


- Finish the post lab calculations ONLY. Due Monday

We did Lab Today

- The handouts are in the Labs and Activities folder.

Mass of the Calcium - .46 grams
Volume of water - 100.0 mL
Starting temperature of the water - 21.5 Celsius
Temperature of water after the reaction - 32.2 Celsius

We also went over the Calculations that we will be doing for homework. The notes will be in the Moodle


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Class Blog 2/19/14

  1. WebAssign due tonight at 11:59 PM.
  2. Heat of Combustion Lab due tomorrow
  3. Heats of Formation Worksheet
  4. Look at the pre-lab questions on Moodle for the Heat of Formation Lab

Lab Format:
  • Title
  • Purpose
  • Date
  • Post- lab questions/ Calculations
*Write out each question
*No pre-lab questions necessary
  • Conclusion

Heats of Formation Notes (There is also a video on moodle going over these notes):
  • Heat of Formation: the energy it takes to “form” a compound from the elements that make it up
  • Heat of formation is often negative (sometimes positive)
  • Heat of formation of an element in its stable state = 0 KJ/ Mole

Next Blogger: Kevin Jeon

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday Feb. 28 2014

How we started class:

Ms. Friedmann checked everyone's homework. If you weren't here today please make sure to have your homework by tomorrow.

We checked the Heat Combustion Prelab today:

Here is the key for the prelab.

*Number 4 on the prelab is what we are trying to achieve in today's lab.

We did the Heat of Combustion Lab:

Data you'll need:
Mass of candle - 10.47 grams
Volume of 100 mL of water - 100.0 mL
Initial temperature of water - 8.8 degrees Celsius
Highest temperature of water - 35.1 degrees Celsius
Final Mass of the candle - 9.87 grams

We have to do a Lab Write-Up
Format of the Lab Write-Up:

Post Lab Questions; Calculations

Lab due Thursday
Webassign due tomorrow night

NEXT SCRIBE: Danny Schiller

Monday, February 17, 2014



Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • We began class by checking the homework, along with an awesome treat.
  • After, we pasted in three sheets ( 1 blue and 2 white) titled:
    • “Post-Lab questions”
    • “Lab: Heat of Combustion”
    • “Calorimeter, heating curves, and enthalpy”

Homework this weekend:

1. Check Friday’s Hw key
2. Webassign - Heating curves - due monday @ 11:59 pm
3. Finish calorimetry prelab- due Tuesday
4. Watch enthalpy video on moodle & take notes.
5. Extra credit was assigned, “Heat Calculations Practice” (due Tuesday)

Energy Diagram Notes taken during class, can be found on moodle.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Class Blog Feb 13, 2013

Done in Class

  • Mrs. F did not check in our last nights homework (Phase Changes), but we did go over the answers and ask questions. (You can find the key in the key folder under Unit 8)
  • We finished yesterday's notes on Heating Curves and Formulas (You can find the notes in the notes folder under Unit 8)
  • Side notes: Make sure you memorize the heat capacities for water and also the formulas described in the notes, for they will not be given to you on the test. 

Homework For Tonight
  • Lab write up for "Specific Heat of Metal Lab" is due tomorrow. 
  • The three pages labeled "Heating Curve Calculations" are due tomorrow (Can be found in the handouts folder on moodle).
  • There is a new webassign due tonight at 11:59pm.
The Next Scribe is EJ Reynolds  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

We walked in and Mrs. F checked our Specific Heat Calculations.

Heat Calculations:

Energy and Heating Curves:

Lab Write Up
1. Title
2. Purpose
3. Data
4. Post lab questions/calculations ( write out each question)
5. Conclusion (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning)

Hw tonight:
2 worksheets
Lab write up due friday

Next Blogger:
Kate Maki

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11th 2014


 * We walked in and showed Mrs. Friedmann our completed Pre- Lab questions

* Then our tests were returned and we went over certain questions that we had

* After we went over our tests, we started the lab


* During the lab, you must first weigh the metal rod
* Then you fill up the beaker with 600 ml of water
* Put 100 ml of water into the calorimeter (styrofoam cup) and measure the temperature of the water
* Boil the water and put the metal rod in there (carefully)
* Hold it up with the tongs and make sure that it does not touch the bottom
         - This is because you want the metal rod to have the same temperature as the water, not the hot plate
* Hold it there for 1 minute and then carefully transfer the rod into the calorimeter
* Stir and measure the final temperature of the water


Weight of the metal rod - 26.68 grams

Initial temperature of the water in the calorimeter - 22.6 degrees Celsius

Final temperature of the water in the calorimeter - 26.1 degrees Celsius


1.) Webassign due tonight by 11:59 p.m.
2.) Specific Heat Calculations (hand out that consists of two worksheets) due tomorrow
3.) Lab write-up due Friday (VALENTINES DAY)

Next Blogger Will Be: Bobby

Monday, February 10, 2014

Class Blog 2/10/2014

Today we had a substitute teacher named Ms. Reicher. We had time to work on a few things today.

We got a worksheet called "Heat vs Temperature...What's the difference?" We finished it and turned it in by the end of class.

Then we had time to work on homework:

  1. WebAssign - Section 8.1 "Principles of Heat Flow" - due tomorrow @ 11:59 PM
  2. Pre-lab for "Specific Heat of a Metal", refer to "notes on heat calculations" - due tomorrow

Now its time for chemistry jokes...or not.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Class Blog 2/6/14

Before Class:

-We showed Mrs. Friedmann our homework, which was the two IMF worksheets
-We picked up a packet titled “Physical Properties of Liquids Lab”

During Class:

-We reviewed the homework (here)
-Next, we finished the Liquids Lab, and filled out the packet that went along with it, but it will not be collected


-Finish review packet for extra help, will NOT be collected for points
-Key to review packet is located here.

Next Blogger:
Harish Rajan

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday February 3rd

We had a late arrival!!

What we did in class:
1. Went over the homework that was due yesterday
2. Took notes on Intermolecular Forces
3. Stared working on the Hw worksheets

Intermolecular Forces:
 There are three kinds
  1. London Dispersion Forces
  2. Dipole Dipole Force
  3. Hydrogen bonding
The london dispersion method is also known as the Van Der Waals forces.  It includes Dipole between non-polar molecules to create a temporary attraction. Electrons can flow more in one direction than another, eventually temporary dipole.  The attraction is weak and short lived

The dipole dipole force is in between polar molecules. It when the + of one molecule attracts the - of another.  The attraction is a permanent one.

Hydrogen Bonding is like dipole on steroids.  It only happens when the H of one molecule attracts a F, O, or N of another molecule. 


1. Webassign due tonight by 11:59pm
2. Two IMF worksheets that we picked up at the beginning of class
3. Start the review packet!!! The test is this friday!!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, Feb 4 BLOG

Blog for Tuesday, February 4

  • First we checked in homework & received the Unit 8 Review packet
    • No video for this unit, unless one is found from last year
    • Test is Friday
  • Then we continued taking notes & watched a demo

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *


ex. NH3 Molecule: Trigonal Pyramid

The number of hybrid orbitals produced is the SAME as the number of atomic orbitals that blended.

4 atomic orbitals made 4 hybrid orbitals so... =(SP3 hybridized)

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

ex. CO2      16 valence electrons
=(SP hybridized)

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

ex. KrF4      38 valence electrons

=(SP3D2 hybridized)

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Sigma and Pi Bonds

(Double + Triple Bonds...)

^ There are 4 electrons in this SP2 orbital.
    • There are 2 in a SIGMA bond (2 single bonds)
    • And 2 in a PI bond
ex. SO2
Pi bonds allow electrons to spread out over the whole molecule. They are the reason resonance is possible. (Delocalization) 

Need to know: 
1. Sigma bonds stuck
2. Pi bonds can move
3. Single bond = sigma
4. Double bond = 1 sigma + 1 pi
5. Triple bond = 1 sigma + 2 pi

Tomorrow: Are molecules more like magnets or marbles?

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Homework for Tonight

    • TWO Webassigns:
      • One - due tonight
      • Other - due tomorrow (Weds @ 12am)
- Allie Boland

NEXT SCRIBE: Marlye Jerva (we switched)

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014 Class Blog

We picked up 3 handouts which should be found in the Handouts Folder

We graded and went over our quizzes in class

We continued the notes on Molecule Polarity:

Molecule Polarity:
1) Are the bonds polar?
2) Is the molecule symmetrical?
3) Is the molecule polar?

Ex: ClO3 with a negative 1 charge
      =26 valence electrons

To be a blend of something

Different atomic orbitals (s,p,d,f) are mixed to form new identical orbitals

Ex: SP3 orbital                  } A blending of orbitals
      SP3D orbital                }

(Proposed by Linus Pauling, it solves a big bonding problem)

What's the problem?
-The valence electrons don't fill each properly

The shape of the orbitals (doing the bonding) should look like the shape of the molecule.

Pauling suggested that when electrons bond they are going to form a hybrid orbital to form the shape that we expect.

Webassign Due TOMORROW at 11:59
2 Wks we picked up today are due in class tomorrow

Next Blogger is Marlye Jerva

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Friday January 31st

We took a partner quiz that took a majority of the class period

And we started taking some notes about Polarity

There are 2 kinds of Polarity:

  • Bond Polarity
    • electronegativity differences between 2 atoms
ex. N  <---+ C
    3.0          2.5 

The arrow points to N because the electrons have a stronger pull toward it. 
And since 3.0-2.5 is 0.5 the bond is a POLAR covalent bond.
  • Molecule Polarity
We didn't finish the notes in class

We have a WebAssign due SUNDAY night. You'll need your textbook.

I will be blogging on Monday again.