Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2/26/14 Period 4 Blog

Period 4 Blog 2/26/14

  • We started off class by Conrad and I giving the most wonderful rap this world has ever witnessed.
  • Next, we took notes on Hess's Law and had a debate on whether it was spelled Hess's Law or Hess' Law. (It's Hess's)
    • These notes can be found in the Notes folder!!
    • We learned that we now have 3 ways to find the delta H of a reaction.
      • These are: 
        • Using a calorimeter
        • Using the Heat of Formations (Pizza Formations)
        • Using Hess's Law(which we learned today)
  • That took up most of the class Period.
  • After the notes, we were given time to complete our worksheets on Hess's Law
    • The Three worksheets
      • Hess's Law -Practice
      • 2 worksheets on Hess's Law
      • These can be found in the handouts folder!!
    • One Webassign due tonight at 11:59
  • The Next Blogger is...... 
      • (drum rolllllllll)
    • KATE MAKI!!!!!!!

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