Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Class Blog 2/19/14

  1. WebAssign due tonight at 11:59 PM.
  2. Heat of Combustion Lab due tomorrow
  3. Heats of Formation Worksheet
  4. Look at the pre-lab questions on Moodle for the Heat of Formation Lab

Lab Format:
  • Title
  • Purpose
  • Date
  • Post- lab questions/ Calculations
*Write out each question
*No pre-lab questions necessary
  • Conclusion

Heats of Formation Notes (There is also a video on moodle going over these notes):
  • Heat of Formation: the energy it takes to “form” a compound from the elements that make it up
  • Heat of formation is often negative (sometimes positive)
  • Heat of formation of an element in its stable state = 0 KJ/ Mole

Next Blogger: Kevin Jeon

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