Friday, February 28, 2014

Class Blog 2/28/14

In Class

  • Went over #3 of Hess's Law worksheet. (Key is on moodle)
  • We had a pop partner take home quiz that we worked on for the rest of the class


1) Lab due Tuesday (March 4th)

  • Title
  • Purpose
  • Data
  • Questions/Calculations (write out the entire question)
  • Conclusion 
    • Claim
    • Evidence
    • Reasoning
2) Two webassigns due Tuesday night (one webassign covers new material, and the other is already learned material)

3) Test is Thursday (March 6th)! It's never too early to start studying :)

Have a fun Turnabout and three day weekend!!
Next Scribe is Bobby 

1 comment:

  1. If anyone is short of data for your lab, Mrs. Friedmann has posted her lab data on moodle in the Unit 8 Labs and Activities folder.
