(The second link on Mrs. Friedman's page was broken for me, I think the second link on this blog is the video it was supposed to be.)

CLASS ACTIVITY IN THE PIT: This was an equilibrium and balance activity in the pit using the 21 people in our class. Many situations were posed in which we were challenged to maintain equilibrium. Here were the patterns/requirements:
1) Maintain equilibrium. To achieve this, we lined people up as tall people on the ends of the people line, moving towards the shortest person in the class in the middle.
2) Maintain equilibrium and symmetry. To get this, we split the pit in two with one person in the middle and put 10 people on each side of the pit.
3) Maintain moving equilibrium and symmetry. Same as number 2 but the people were moving.
4) Maintain equilibrium and symmetry but people moved from side to side. To achieve this, we set up like number two but sent people from side to side. As one person went to one side, a different person went to the opposite side.
5) Maintain equilibrium and symmetry moving more than one person from side to side. We did the same as number four but sent two people from side to side.
6) Maintain equilibrium but not symmetry. To do this, we had people moving randomly on each side.
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