Wednesday, March 5, 2014


We got back:

-Specific Heat of Metal Lab report
-Heat of Combustion Lab report
-Thermochemistry quiz
-Woosh Bottle quiz

Quick notes:

-Higher specific heat capacity: harder to increase temperature (takes a lot of heat)
-A system can heat up or cool down without an enthalpy change
-Do not need to pay super attention to sig figs on test bc it is not what the unit is about

Went over last night’s hw: ...check moodle Unit 8 Keys folder

-More gas= super disordered= higher gas
-Endothermic= min enthalpy will be on reactants side
-Exothermic= min enthalpy will be on products side
-Minimum entropy and minimum enthalpy CAN be on the same sides
-Nature does NOT like to become more ordered
DeltaS tends to be positive in nature (in spontaneous processes)
-Calculate S= products MINUS reactants
-Positive= more order to less order
-Higher the S= more disorder
-S= "measure of messy"
-Entropy there ARE values for the elements
-kJ per Kelvin mole = entropy
-standard conditions = 25 degrees celsius and 298 kelvin


study session at 7 am
-Webassign due tonight by 11:59 pm

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