Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Today's Blog (3/18/14)

Tuesday, April 18. 2014!

Next Scribe: Elaine Sine
  • First we checked in our graph homework. 
  • Then we got back our old work (labs and worksheets).
  • Then we checked over the equilibrium packet as a class.
  • Then we took notes! :)

*** If equilibrium constant (K) is K > 1 then it favors the PRODUCTS, if K < 1 then it favors the REACTANTS

Today's Notes:

Chemical equilibria
(For a closed system)

Reactants Products

  • [] = means concentration (Moles/L)
  • [Reactants] and [Products] never change once equilibrium is reached
  • Looks like the reaction has stopped, but actually occurring simultaneously
  • Closed sustems are at or apporaching equilibrium
  • At equilibruim, the RATIO of [Reactants] to [Products] = constant

The test is on Friday!

Joke of the day:
this one took me a while...

Homework: 3 worksheets passed out in the beginning of the class

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