Monday, April 21, 2014

Blog 4-21-14

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend.

-We started today by checking in pages 6-7 in the packet.
-We then grabbed a packet of pages 9-11 that should be stapled to the current packet.  (moodle here -->Part 2)

-Nothing in this unit is new, it is review just in the form of acids and bases

pH= -log[H+]
pOH= -log [OH-]
[OH-]= 10^-pH

pH<7 = Acidic
pH=7 = Neutral
pH>7 = Basic

Strong Acids: HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4
Strong Bases: NaOH, LiOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, Ba(OH)2

-Percent Dissociation
     -What percent of the original chemical undergoes dissociation?
     -Change (or X found in equation) divided by the original concentration.

-Conjugate Bases and Acids (VERY IMPORTANT)
     • The conjugate base of a weak acid tends to form basic solutions in water. 
     • The conjugate acid of a weak base tends to form acidic solutions in water. 
     • The conjugate base of a strong acid has neither acidic or basic properties. 
     • The conjugate acid of a strong base has neither acidic or basic properties.  

-Finish Pages 8-9 of the packet
-Try #34 on page 9 for possible extra credit
-2 webassigns due wednesday night

next blogger is... Melissa

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