Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28th

Today, we turned in our take home quiz and there were 4 handouts about the labs today.

Then we got in to quick notes for the Lab

Indicators Lab

- An indicator turns one color at one pH is a different color at a different pH.
- Most indicators are weak acids. (HIn - means indicator)
A couple are weak bases

HIn (Color 1 weak acid) <-------> H+ + In- (Color 2 weak base conjugate)

- The indicator responds to changes in the [hydronium ion].

HIn <-----> H+ In-

                   <-------------------- Add base, shift to left (color 1)

Add acid, shifts to the right     ---------------->

These were the basic notes, the more notes for the actual lab are also posted in Moodle... According to Mrs. Friedmann

After some quick notes, we did lab to find the pH of 15 solutions experimentally.

For HW:
Hand in : Table of experimental data
                  Calculations of pH for 15 solutions (It is not Due Tommorow)
                  Webassigns on buffers, due tonight

Next Blogger is Harish R

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