Thursday, April 24, 2014

Class Blog 4-22-14

Hey Honors Chemistry! (Pulling a Mrs. Friedmann) So sorry this is late. I really have no excuse, I just totally forgot.

What We Did
  • Checked in homework from last night
  • Went over pages 8 and 9 (Our homework from last night)
  • Had a lesson on finding the pH of salts.
    • The lesson is recorded and should be posted on moodle
  • We didn’t get to buffers, so that will be taught on friday

  • 2 webassigns due Wednesday at midnight
  • Pages 10 and 11 in the Acids and Bases Packet
  • Study for quiz on Thursday.
    • We will have VERY short periods on Thursday, so it will be a short quiz.

Who doesn't like a good joke?
1. Girl, you’re a 10.

On the pH scale, because you’re BASIC!



Next Blogger: Allie Boland

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