Thursday, August 29, 2013

Class Blog 8/29/13

Class Blog 8/29/13
Questions of the Day:
How comfortable do you feel with telling the difference between…
      • Elements and Compounds
      • Mixtures and Pure Substances
      • Atoms and molecules
What is the difference between a property and a change?
How is physical different from chemical?
Things We Did in Class
  • Checked in Homework-- Particulate Nature of Matter (Went with the Chemthink tutorial and quiz) CHemthink:, and the notes we took on our tutorial
  • Went over the paperclip activity done in class yesterday
  • Went over the Particulate Nature of Matter homework
  • Took notes on Properties v. Changes (see notes)
  • Took Quiz on Chemical v. Physical Changes
    • See Ms. Friedman for a make-up (likely in test center)
  • Wrote downs signs of a chemical change with a buddy (see notes)

Properties v. Changes

Property= Substance’s potential to changes Ex. ability to react with an acid, melt at 50 degrees celsius
Change= Before and after. The actual process of reacting with an acid, or melting

Physical Changes:
  • Identity of substance stays the same
Chemical Changes:
  • Identity of substance changes

Signs of a chemical change:
melting point
freezing point
state of matter

1) WebAssign 1.2 -- Measurement and Sig Figs.  Due Saturday night by 11:59 pm.  A friendly suggestion:  plan your weekend accordingly!  Since you have no other homework for now, I strongly suggest you work on this assignment tonight.  You do not need to finish WebAssigns all in one sitting; you can save your work and come back to it later.  If you choose to do this, however, do not forget about your Saturday night deadline as you enjoy Friday and Saturday!


  • Make sure to check the Moodle every night for homework
  • Get googles in the bookstore ASAP

Next Blogger: Francine Yoon

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