Sunday, August 25, 2013

Class Journal 8/23/13

-check moodle/blog every night
-read lab online for monday; understand
-first webassign quiz on safety
-class dojo codes: you can change your monster online:
(used for checking in hw; adding points for labs)

-post by 11 or 12 o'clock before the next day
-if you get sick or can’t do it you can find someone else; help each other out!
-pick someone who hasn’t gone yet


Dressing for safety
-do not wear loose clothing
-wear fabrics that are sturdy and natural
i.e. polyester can melt and burn
-closefitting clothes but not too tight that might restrict movement
-preferably old clothes with lab apron
-sturdy close-toed shoes
i.e. leather
*try not to wear flip flops; be conscience
-tie up loose, long hair
-remove rings, watches, etc.
*contacts are allowed
-always wear goggles with side shields even with glasses
-ALWAYS protect hands

Behavior in Lab
-NO fooling around
-keep aisles clear
-stand on step stool to reach
-eyes should be at the same level as the measurement you're reading
-keep makeup outside lab
-NO eating or drinking in lab
-do NOT squirt squeezy bottles unless specifically instructed by teacher to do so

Emergency equipment
-if cut:
1. wash wound
2. remove glass
3. dry skin carefully
4. go to nurse for bandage
-if chemical gets in eyes:
1. rinse eyes in eye wash fountain
2. take out contacts; continue washing for at least 15 min
3. go to doctor
-if spill on skin:
A. 1. rinse in lab sink
B. (if chemicals on clothes)
1. safety shower immediately thoroughly
2. take off all clothes
3. continue at least 15 min in shower

-small fires:
1. put out by covering
2. turn off burner
-large fires:
1. teacher uses fire extinguisher
2. if fire is too big, leave room call fire department
-clothing fires:
A. 1. stop drop and roll
    2. to keep flames away from face wrap fire blanket around body
B. 1. safety shower

-hexane vapor lights on fire very easily even though you can't see it

Danny Schiller

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