Thursday, August 22, 2013

Class Journal 8/22/13

I.          Class instructed to name note sheet “Zombie Bubbles.” Two subheadings—Observations and Inferences.  Ms. F sprinkles baking soda in bottom of fish tank. Then proceeds to add vinegar to fish tank. The solution fizzes up.
i.                    Put in baking soda and vinegar, combination fizzed up.
ii.                 There is now fizz residue visible on the tank
iii.               The tank has liquid with white powder in the bottom and appears to be clear and colorless on the inside after the fizzing occurs.
iv.                Bubbles float in the tank
i.                    The part of the tank which is clear and colorless is empty
a.      Test with bubbles:
                                                              i.      The bubbles float when blown above the solution
1.       REVISED INFERENCE: Maybe there is something in there, but we can’t see it.
If there is something in the tank, can we use it to do something?
            There was something in the tank—the gas put out the candle.
Main point-There is a distinction between observation and inferences-be careful—don’t make inferences based simply on observations.

Extra note: The reason the bubbles floated and the fire was extinguished was that the gas in the tank, caused by the reaction,  was more c02 than oxygen—fire can’t breathe c02 and oxygen in the bubble is lighter than c02, which caused it to float.

II.        Make new heading titled “Safety Video Notes.”
Chemistry is different—gain knowledge by doing things
Equipment and materials can be dangerous—but use safety and common sense and all is good
Handling chemicals safely means following rules to keep them from body
Use small containers you can control
If accident, inform teacher
Accidents can happen
            Only mix when teacher says to, read instructions
            Note concentration and hazard warning
            Happens when chemicals are mixed incorrectly—follow instructions EXACTLY
            Ie always add sulfuric acid to water never reverse, acid immediately boils
                        When mixed correctly there’s less danger
            Always a chance of spills—use a work tray
            Hold bottles over label—keeps drips away
            Set them out of the way so they wont get knocked over
            Keep chemicals away from face don’t touch/smell taste
            Smell indirectly—waft vapors to your noes
            Chem that gives off vapors=volatile chemical
            Keep pure and uncontaminated
            Clean glassware always
            Better to waste excess than contaminate bottle
            Dispose of in proper place
            Don’t use mouth when drawing out chemicals lolzies
                        But seriously don’t pull a Marie Curie
            You'll spill something—report immediately
                        Let teacher clean it up
            Don’t throw chemicals down the sink unless teacher says ok
            Clean up when finished
            Glassware should be scrubbed and rinsed-bad stuff can get on the next person
            Clean your hands
Tomorrow's poster will be Grace Moran.

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