Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, 8-28-13 BLOG

* Checked in homework

* Picked up 4 sheets at the beginning of class (Check moodle handouts folder)

* Registration for ChemThink (Make sure username is First and Last name) If you were not here, look at "ChemThink Registration Directions" in the Unit 1 Handouts folder and follow the directions to register.

* Paperclip Activity
Paperclip Molecules

A couple notes:
- Plus signs (+) is a mixture
- No plus sign is a chemical bond
- More than one atom stuck together is a molecule

Ask yourself
     - Element or compound?
     - Mixture or pure substance?
     - Atoms or molecules?

* Homework: 

1) Read sections 1.1 and 1.2 in your textbook.  WebAssigns 1.1 and 1.2 are due tonight by 11:59 pm.

2) Log onto ChemThink and complete the Particulate Nature of Matter tutorial AND quiz.  As you complete the tutorial, take notes in your journal.  Due tonight by 11:59 pm.

3) Particulate Nature of Matter worksheet (in the Unit 1 Handouts folder).  Due tomorrow.

4) In-Class quiz tomorrow on what we've learned so far. Review blogs and do homework:)

Next Scribe: Melissa Scherer

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