Friday, September 27, 2013

Class Blog 9/27

Beginning of Class:
- Checked in  Homework (The problem we were assigned yesterday for the Mole Workshop activity)
- Picked up 3 handouts: Percent Sugar in Gum- An Introduction to “Percent Composition”, Lab: Formula of a Hydrate, and  Lab Write-Up

Bubble Gum Activity:
-If you were not in class today, check Moodle in the Notes folder to see what we did for the activity.

Mole Workshop:
- We spent 10 minutes with our group going over the 4 problems.
- There will be a key posted on moodle so you can correct your answers

- Go on Moodle in the Keys folder and look at the key for all 4 problems on the Mole Workshop activity. Mark corrections in red pen on ALL 4 problems.
- 2 WebAssigns are due Sunday night at 11:59 pm

- Do the Pre-Lab Questions. Look on Moodle in the Unit 2 Lab and Activities Folder for critical information that will be needed for the lab.

Next Blogger: Kevin Jeon

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