Monday, September 30, 2013

Class Blog 9/30

Beginning of Class

We started class by checking our homework. We checked the mole workshop correction and the Pre-Lab questions. Then we got our Beverage Density lab handed back. Mrs. Friedmann also attached a correction for the lab behind our Beverage Density Lab then we went over our lab. We went over getting density, percentage error, and writing conclusion. When writing the conclusion, we should always be thinking what was the point of our lab? Did we meet the goal of the lab?


Next we talked about Pre-Lab that was suppose to be done for homework. Some safety rules were…
1. Goggles
2. Tie long hair back
3. Light match 1st

But today, instead of match, we used something called flinch that will create a spark if squished together with two hands. When the Bunsen burner is fired up, put the test tube that has crystals in it side way and put it near the fire, so we can burn it off. Finally, we tried not to overheat the white stuff, it will produce poisonous gas. Never point the heating test tube to yourself nor your partner. After checking our pre-lab calculations, we started our lab.

(See the procedures on the hand-outs)

Mass of Test tube
Mass of Test tube + hydrates
Mass of burned hydrates in Test tube
-Finish the Lab Write up by Friday
-Quiz tmrw

Next Scribe:  Conrad M

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