Friday, September 6, 2013

Class Blog 9/6/13

  • Checked in blue sheet titled "Practice - Unit Conversions, Dimensional Analysis, etc." for homework due today.
  • Picked up handout "Chapter 1.3 - Properties of Substances Reading Sheet" at the beginning of class.

In Class:

Answers for homework due today:

1. 191.6g, 38,555g, 7.0x10^2J, 0.027
2. 161,000cm
3. 0.0568mi
4. 8fl. oz.
5. *Look at chart Below*

6. a. it is not accurate, becasue it is not measuring the true value
    b. it is precise, becasue its readings are similar to each other
7. 14cm
8. *Look at the chart below*

9. 502,000 chromebooks
10. YES!

We took the quiz for the last 20 min of class

Homework for the weekend:

1) Read section 1.3 in your text.  There are three (3) WebAssigns that cover this section; they are due Monday night by 11:59 pm.  

**The WebAssign on Density has a bonus problem in it; it is quite challenging!  You lose no points for not getting the bonus problem.  The REAL value in attempting this problem, though, is not the bonus point itself, but the thinking exercise you will give yourself by trying the problem.  I encourage you to attempt it in this spirit!**

I will post a key showing how to solve the bonus problem on Tuesday (9/10).  Try not to torture yourself too much with it!  :)

The next scribe will be Bobby Roumeliotis

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