Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello, Period 4!  

Congratulations on completing your first unit test in Honors Chem!  You get a little bit of a breather for a day or two...your next big assignment is the lab write-up, which is due on Monday, 9/16.  So that you are clear on the expectations for this assignment please be sure to review the lab report directions, which are posted in the Unit 1 Labs and Activities folder.

A word about the blogs you have done so far:  they are EXCELLENT.  I am truly impressed at the fantastic job everyone is doing and the amount of very helpful detail you are including.  Please keep up the good work!  For those who have not yet blogged, be sure to review the existing posts for inspiration and follow the examples of your peers.  There is no need for anyone to blog tonight, since we took our unit test today.  FYI, there will be no need for a scribe post tomorrow, either.  The next scribe will be posting on MONDAY, 9/16.

Your homework for tonight is to click through the animation (posted on Moodle) explaining the physiological effects of nerve gases.  The link to this animation is the bottom-most item posted in the Unit 1 box on Moodle.  

After you have viewed the animation, I would like for you to put a comment under this post answering the two questions below.  Include your first name and last initial in your comment, please!

1)  Did you find the animation interesting?  Please rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 meaning "It was completely boring, I could hardly get through it," and 10 meaning "It was very interesting, I really enjoyed clicking through and reading it".

2)  Did you find the animation easy to understand?  Please rate it on a scale of to 10  with 1 meaning "I didn't get it at all, it was much too difficult to understand," and 10 meaning "I feel like I completely understood it even though I've only had one year of biology and three weeks of chemistry".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Harish R.

    1) 7 - It was somewhat interesting (and sad) seeing how the gases actually work and how harmful they are.

    2) 5 - I kind of understood it...

  3. Gemini P.

    1.)This article was sort of interesting, but it's kind of like something you would read in a science book. If I were to rate this I would give this a 5 because it's a very descriptive and informational article but it's just something I wouldn't read in my free time.

    2.) The animation really made the article easier to understand. I would rate this a 8. I would give this a 8 because in my opinion on each slide there was a lot of information and the animation really helped to just sum it up.

  4. Caitlin Morrison

    1) Rate- 6; Yes, I thought the animation was somewhat interesting.

    2) Rate- 7; I thought that this information along with the animation was very easy to read and understand. Last year when we learned a little about nerves, we didn't have a good visual to learn from.

  5. Francine Y
    1) The articles was kind of interesting. It was interesting to learn about the effects of the gas on our body.

    2) I found the animation pretty easy to understand. It was descriptive but it didn't use words that were too hard to understand.

  6. Dana Sim
    1) 8 I think it's cool/important to know about the chemical weapons and their effects

    2) 9 I got the animation, but they could use a splash bit more of color. Or maybe even interaction.

  7. Conrad M
    1. I found the animation quite interesting. It combined current events we often hear about with science. 9

    2. I understood the animation however, I felt as if it should have reviewed the names of all the gasses, compounds and enzymes at the end. 7


  8. Allie B.

    1) I think it's interesting to know about the effects of the gas and how it is chemically put together, so 8.

    2) I would say 8 again, I could understand, especially with the use of the moving pictures. They helped.

  9. Daniel S.

    1) I would give this a 9 for interest. This is because it is interesting to finally know what is happening to the people around the world. We know that the nerve gas attacks are occurring but we don't really know what the gas is actually doing.

    2) I would give the animation a 6 in ability to be understood. This is because the information is kind of just thrown at you. This is okay though because it is just a little animation to show you what the gas is doing and how it affects the body.

  10. Dorothy W.

    A.) Overall I would give this animation a 7. To finally understand why people have these cetain medical conditions, is a plus. The animations helped you stay focused, but I think they could have made the information and slides a little bit more interesting.

    B.) For understanding I will give it a 6. It was easy to get confused and lost with some of these foreign gases and their purpose because so many new gases were introduced. The animations helped a little bit with picturing the gas.

  11. Grace M

    1) 7- I found this animation fascinating and enlightening. It is important for us to be aware of worldly matters yet we do not always have access to information that explains what is happening, why, and how. This was very insightful.

    2) 7- I appreciated the term definitions at the beginning but the explanations throughout were not particularly clear. The images and colorful animations somewhat compensated for the misunderstanding but possibly some audience interaction would help the viewer understand the information.

  12. Brant H.

    1) 7 - I thought it was sort of interesting to learn about the gas and how harmful it can be.

    2) 6 - I thought that the animations helped, but they did not make me completely understand some of the information that was given.

  13. Kevin J

    1. 9 - I found this really interesting, I was wondering why US is so afraid of countries using chemical bomb...

    2. 5 - As much as I was interested... it was still hard for me to understand, because I would constantly had to go back to see and remember the vocabs..but still it wasn't impossible to understand.

  14. 1. 8 I thought it was interesting, but I just didnt find myself interested in the Syria aspect.

    2. 6 The animatons I thought werent exactly the best in detail, which if they were any better it wouldve helped.There were just a lot of large vocbulsry in there that i didnt know

  15. Frankie S
    1. I thought the slideshow was pretty interesting because it is related to a big controversy in the news right now, so this helped understand the severity of it. Overall, I would give the slideshow a 7.
    2. I thought that the slideshow was kind of overwhelming, and I kept having to refer to the vocab list to remember what some of the terms meant. The pictures were helpful, but some places it was just a little too wordy. I would give it a 5

  16. Kate M.

    1) I would say it was interesting, but not extremely fascinating. I would rate it a 5

    2) I understood a little, but not too much of it. I got the main idea, but it seemed to have a lot of vocab words. I had to keep looking back at the list to remember what everything was. I would give it a 4

  17. 1. I thought it was interesting to find out how the nerve gas related to world events today and it was very informative. However, it isn't something I'd normally read so I give it a 7.

    2. The animations were somewhat successful as it helped get the point across but the descriptions could be difficult to understand and while the definitions at the beginning were appreciated, it was hard to remember the concepts. I give the animations a 6

  18. Elaine S.

    1. It was interesting how it gives a visual picture of everything, but it doesn't grab my attention for too long. I would give it a 7.

    2. I got an idea of how everything works, but it was a little too hard to understand. I'd give it a 5.
